First Class Activities for March 25th - April 1st

Dear Parents/Guardians, The First Class teaching team has put together some suggested activities for the children of first class over the next week. We hope the children find them engaging and fun. Keep safe and take care.
First Class Activities for March 25th - April 1st

Dear Parents/Guardians, The First Class teaching team has put together some suggested activities for the children of first class over the next week. We hope the children find them engaging and fun. Keep safe and take care.

Ms Gibbons, Ms Dunphy, Ms King, Ms Bennett, Miss Beakey, Ms Coghlan

Our theme over the next two weeks is

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Download First Class Timetable Week 1

Download Maths Activities Week 1

Wednesday 25th March
Maths Lets get started with some Fun Maths Activities today. Do you know what Symmetry means? Have a look at the activities below in the Maths section.

Watch the YouTube video and write a report on the life cycle of the butterfly. Make sure you record the four different stages.


TG4 @ 3.09pm

PJ Masks


Youtube-The life cycle of a butterfly


Clean your bedroom.

Go to and dance to your favourite tune. Remember "I'm still Standing" and "Banana, Banana, Meatball" ?

Join our friend "Maximo" for some stretching and yoga. Keep practising the STAR pose!

Thursday 26th March

Maths See Maths Plan below for Thursday.
Literacy Draw a picture of a butterfly and label the parts using the following words-wings, antenna, abdomen, head, legs.

TG4 @ 3.02pm

Mashaagusan Bear.


Listen to and learn the butterfly rap.

Activities Find 5 objects in your apartment that are symmetrical.

Friday 27th March

Maths See Maths plan below for Friday

Read along with the story of The Hungry Caterpillar


TG4 @ 3.21pm

Cat Cilste


Draw a picture of a butterfly and make sure both sides are the same.

Have a look at this video showing you how to draw a butterfly

Activities Write the numbers backwards from 100-1 as quick as you can.

Monday 30th April

Maths See Maths Plan below for Monday
Literacy Put the following words into interesting sentences - butterfly, symmetrical, antennae, abdomen (it means body)

TG4 @ 3.09pm

PJ Masks


Google Maps

Look up google maps and see if you can find your house or apartment. You will need to know your address.

Activities Throw and catch a ball 20 times without dropping it.
Tuesday 31st March
Maths See Maths Plan below for Tuesday.
Literacy Write 3 ways by which you can help Mum and Dad today.

TG4 @ 4.02pm

Alvin and the Chipmunks


Check to see if the plants in your apartment need a little watering.

Do this activity to revise parts of the plants and what plants need to grow

Activities Make a list of 5 things in your home that begin with the letter S. Can you name 10?

maths link.jpgMaths:

Over the next few days we are going

to be learning about Symmetry.


Look at the following youtube video – this will explain what symmetry is:

symmetry.pngSo symmetry is when an object looks the exact same on one side as the other.

If you want to see if an object is symmetrical, when you fold an object in half both sides

will be the exact same. Just like a mirror image.

Asymmetrical is when both sides are not the exact same.

Why don’t you have a go and make some symmetrical pictures using this website:

Can you answer today’s challenge question?crab.jpg

Lancelot the crab takes half an hour to catch 10 mussels for his lunch. How many will he eat in 2 hours?


maths link.jpg

Do you remember what symmetry is?

All of these pictures are symmetrical. If you have a printer you can print out this page and colour in the pictures but remember each side of the object must be the same.

symmetry worksheet 2.png

Can you show / draw a line to show two equal parts on the following shapes?

red rectangle.png

yellow circle.png

purple square.jpg

Well done. Is it possible to show / draw

another line to show two equal parts?

Challenge question for in a cave.jpg

17 fish hide from shark in the cave.

Some more fish swim in. The amount of fish now in the cave is an odd number, but less than 20.

How many fish swam in? How many fish are in the cave?


symmetry clipart.png

Can you point to the pictures that are symmetrical? Remember each side must be the same.

Visit this website to make 2 digit numbers with the ten rods and cubes.

Challenge question:star fish.png

A starfish has 5 arms.

If there are 3 starfish, how many arms are there altogether?


Write out which of these letters are symmetrical and show how they are symmetrical.


Can you list any more letters that are symmetrical?

Visit the following website

Can you subtract within 20?

Now how about taking away within 50?

purple octopus.jpegChallenge question – hope you are able to answer them correctly!

Ollie the octopus needs 9 drumsticks. If they cost 10c, how much will it cost him?

He gave the shopkeeper 92c. How much change did he get back?


In your copy can you complete the butterflies?

symm butterflies.png

Visit the following website to have a go at the symmetry matching game.

Challenge question:purple octopus.jpeg

16 socks are shared equally between 2 octopuses. How many socks did each octopus get?

May 06
May Bank Holiday Week
Jun 03
June Bank Holiday
March has been a busy and fun month in Room 2!
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