Green Schools Committee Meeting

Held on Friday, 9th February 2024
Green Schools Committee Meeting

The Green Schools Committee met last Friday to discuss the ongoing work for the Green Schools flag for Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste.

We discussed recycling and composting and use of correct bins, both in the classrooms and on the yard. Spot checks have been taking place during lunch times to ensure students and teachers are helping to keep our school green!

We also discussed how we have been learning about Fairtrade and how we have been using Fairtrade products in our classrooms.

A jingle competition was also held on Friday! Ms Beakey and Ms McNulty, along with members of the Committee, were very impressed with the entries! The finalists are: Room 6 (Junior Infants), Room 3 (Senior Infants) and Room 4 (First Class).

Each of these classes will perform at the next Assembly and the other students will choose their favourite jingle through dotmocracy. We will then all learn the winning entry and have a whole-school jingle!

Joseph, the gardener, came to the school on Friday and did lots of work in our school garden! It is looking amazing and flowers are beginning to bloom, which makes us so happy! Lots of the children chatted to and helped Joseph to clean the garden and do some planting.

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01 878 8344

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