School Projects

Active Schools


We began our active schools journey in 2013 and achieved our first Active School Flag in 2015. The school community have been enthusiastic and supported us throughout. The teachers and parents have worked in conjunction with the Active Schools Committee, sharing their ideas, skills and expertise to help us maintain our active goals.

Our Active Journey

Over the last couple of years our school has been running laps in a bid to improve our fitness. The children of First Class measured out 100m of our yard and each week we ran and recorded how many laps each class completed. We worked on the fundamental running skills, starting with marching and building up jogging. We included strength work including balances and squats to improve our technique. Each class could track their progress on our active schools board as we worked to increase our distance each time we ran.

Last year we decided to make it a little more interesting! We measured distances from our school to different places in the locality (the swimming pool, the Spire, Easons, the GPO, Croke Park etc). Each time we ran laps we were working towards reaching a different destination. For example, it was 400m to the Spire, so if you ran 4 laps you recorded it on your record sheet. Then each time you reach a new destination, your class move on the Active Schools Board allowing the whole school to track their progress.

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Benefits of the Initiative

  • Fitness – Improving stamina and fitness levels. Working on the fundamental running skills and strengthening through balancing activities and stretches.
  • Maths- Measuring the 100m track and calculating distances ran each week.
  • S.E.S.E. – Identifying local landmarks and learning about their buildings and their history. Mapping distances to each landmark and recording journey. Finding different buildings in the locality on a map.
  • English- Using appropriate language around measuring and recording information. Learning appropriate language in relation to running for example the difference between walking/jogging/running and sprinting and identifying the different body parts we use that allow us to run.

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Being healthy and Active is so important to us here in our school and we will continue to maintain all of our Active School targets and plans in the many years to come.

Green Schools

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We are very proud of the five Green flags we have achieved in our school for:

1) Recycling

2) Energy

3) Water

4) Travel


5) Biodiversity

We believe in taking care of our earth so that it can take care of us and we are committed to maintaining all five of the flags that we worked for years to achieve.

Our School Garden is home to a Bug Hotel & bird feeders, as well as a huge variety of different plants and flowers; we grow our own potatoes, peas, strawberries and apples and this year we have introduced our own school wormery which we feed from our school compost bins. We learn from our very first days in Junior Infants the ways in which we can look after our school and the world around us: by recycling, conserving electricity & water and by walking, scooting & cycling to school whenever possible. We all work together to keep our school yard clean & litter free and every week at Assembly we award a 'Super Green Human Being' certificate; it is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the person who has really excelled at being environmentally aware in their class that week.

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Oct 28
October Mid Term
Dec 23
Christmas Holidays
Feb 03
St Brigid's Day
Feb 17
February Midterm
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Central Model Infants' School,
Marlborough St,
Dublin 1,

01 878 8344

© 2024 Central Model Infants' School