Maths Week and Attendance Assembly

Maths Week and Attendance Assembly

Central Model Infants School was full of many mathematicians this week as we celebrated Maths Week.

Ms. McNulty and Ms. Bennett organised so many challenges, quizzes, maths trails and problems for us. Some of our parents joined us with Mrs. Dunphy to do Maths for Fun in the classrooms.

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We celebrated some of the Maths Week winners at assembly. Pupils and teachers had to guess how many conkers were in the jar. Seven pupils estimated correctly however no teachers managed to get the right answer!


We also celebrated Pupil of the Week in each class. Congratulations to Room 1, Room 5 and Room 7 who were the best attenders in the school in September.

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The children of Room 5 treated us to a drumming masterpiece. We investigated the link between music and maths. Musicians are constantly counting to make sure they are playing the right notes for the right length of time. In the video below we are counting in rhythm patterns of 4 and then in faster beats of 8. You can't have the music you love without maths!

Oct 28
October Mid Term
Dec 23
Christmas Holidays
Feb 03
St Brigid's Day
Feb 17
February Midterm
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01 878 8344

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