Green Schools Flag for Litter and Waste and Global Citizenship

Green Schools Flag for Litter and Waste and Global Citizenship

This year Ms. Appleby has been leading the whole school effort to achieve our Green Schools Flag for Litter and Waste and Global Citizenship. The whole school took the challenge very seriously and put a lot of effort into better managing our school bins, taking care of the garden and educating themselves on Fair Trade. Take a look below at just some of the efforts Central Model Infant School have been making to ensure our footprints are a little bit greener💚

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Junior Infants orienteering in the school garden. Showing how well they work as a team!
We came together to celebrate your children's times and achievements in the Central Model Infants' School. The happy smiling faces says so much about the great value we place on community, learning and fun. Read More
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Central Model Infants' School,
Marlborough St,
Dublin 1,

01 878 8344

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