March 2022 Update


3rd March 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians

As you know, many of the Covid restrictions have now been lifted schools. However, many people in the community still have Covid, so please do not send your child to school if they have cold-like symptoms, coughing/sneezing a runny nose or a sick stomach.

Home times

From Monday, 7th March and for the remainder of the year, home times will be as follows:-

Junior Infants Rooms 6, 7 & 8 2.10pm in the yard

Senior Infants Rooms 1, 2 & 3 2.10pm at the gate

First Class Rooms 4, 5 & The Treehouse 2.30pm at the gate*

*The First Class day has been extended to 2.30pm. This is the same home time as Central Model Senior School. It gives first class an extra 1 hour and 40 minutes of learning per week. This will help with their transition to second class in September. First classes will line up inside the school to the left of the gate.

Please do not disturb the school by collecting the children early. Every child should do their full school day.

Cars are not allowed on Deverell Place at drop off or pick up times. It is a SCHOOL ZONE. It is up to everyone to ensure the children’s safety.


We are vey concerned at the level of school absences. Unless you child is sick, they should be in school on time every single day. Parents should use the Aladdin Connect App to communicate reasons for school absences. Unexplained absences are not acceptable.

Active School

Our school has been awarded an Active Flag. We really believe in the importance of fitness and team sports for the children’s wellbeing. The best uniform your child can wear is the school tracksuit and a pair of runners. We are delighted to that the children have active outdoor breaks every day, lots of P. E. lessons and and are participating in the following :-

  • Athletics
  • Basketball
  • GAA (Football and hurling)
  • Soccer
  • Tag rugby.


Check our school website for regular updates and lovely photographs of all that is happening in the classes.

Go raibh maith agaibh (thank you).

Catherine Groves


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Central Model Infants' School,
Marlborough St,
Dublin 1,

01 878 8344

© 2024 Central Model Infants' School