Parent Information

Welcome to Our Parents Section!

In our school we have the support of a Home School Community Liaison Teacher.

The aims of the HSC Liaison scheme are:

  • To maximise the participation of children in the learning process.

  • To promote active co-operation between home, school and relevant community agencies in promoting the educational interests of the children.

  • To raise awareness in parents of their own capacities to enhance their children's educational progress and to assist them in developing relevant skills.

  • To enhance the children's uptake from education, their retention in the educational system, their continuation to post-compulsory education and to third level and their attitudes to life-long learning.

  • To disseminate the positive outcomes of the scheme throughout the school system generally.

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Elaine Dunphy is our Home School Community Liaison teacher.


"As the Central Model Schools' Home School Community Liaison teacher I run a variety of different courses for parents such as Pilates, Irish classes and Walk & Talk tours. I also organise fun activities in the classroom where parents are invited in to participate, such as; Science for Fun, Maths for Fun, Kids Talk, Lego Workshops etc. Our HSCL Section of the website is where you can find all of the latest news and information about HSCL events taking place in our school and the locality. As well as this I visit parents of children in their homes to have a friendly chat. I try to support and help the parents of our school community in any way that I can. If you would like to organise a chat with me you can contact me on the phone or email details listed below".


Phone: 087-052-5960

Dec 23
Christmas Holidays
Feb 03
St Brigid's Day
Feb 17
February Midterm
Mar 17
St Patrick's Day
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Central Model Infants' School,
Marlborough St,
Dublin 1,

01 878 8344

© 2024 Central Model Infants' School